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Spicy Tomato Salad – A Perfect Lunch

17 Apr

So, risking sounding overly simplistic, I wanted to share the recipe for what has been my favorite lunch over the past few months here in Buenos Aires. Most days, around lunch time, I go to the corner vegetable stand and buy a few ripe tomatoes, a small onion (red or white, currently I like red better), and one small spicy hot pepper. Today I bought a bunch of baby arugula too because it looked very tasty but that is not in my normal recipe.

Then I come home and wash and cut the tomatoes into irregular bite size chunks and put them in a bowl. Then I cut half the small onion (or 1/4 if it is larger) into little strips and put that in the bowl as well. Then I dice the hot pepper and add that too. Then I put a big pinch of salt (I prefer the large grain salt for this, it seems to give more flavor), some pepper, and then drizzle with olive oil and viola, you have a delicious salad. Make sure to get ripe and good quality tomatoes or your salad will be quite dull and boring and too acidic.

I usually eat it with a chunk of wheat bread or some kind of baghette if I have one, or even with crackers. If I have bread I add a little extra olive oil, and when it was really hot in summer I would add an ice cube to cool things down and make more sauce for dipping.

As usual I finish my food before thinking about writing a blog post about it soI will post up a photo of someone else’s tomato salad that looks more or less like mine (though I don’t put basil on mine). The recipe I use I learned when living in Sicily and we would often have this salad to accompany grilled meat. Image
