Tag Archives: Stir fry

My Mamma’s Chicken or Beef with Broccoli and Peanut Sauce

10 Sep
2 chicken breasts cubed or 1/2 lb beef sliced very thin
1 small head of broccoli cut into pieces
1 large or 2 small cloves garlic crushed
piece of ginger root cut into small pieces
soy sauce
1 big tablespoon peanut butter


Put chicken or beef in bowl and add garlic, ginger, soy sauce and a little olive oil and leave to marinate.
Put a little olive oil in a non stick pan and cook until slightly tender.
Remove broccoli from pan and put aside.
Reheat pan and add a little more olive oil and throw in marinated meat.
Cook over high heat until meat is cooked through (be careful not to overcook beef, it should be just pink).  
Turn heat down and add peanut butter and salt as needed.
Mix well until peanut butter is totally mixed in and then add broccoli and a little water to make a little sauce.
Stir until completey mixed  add more soy sauce or peanut butter if needed.
You can also add a tbs of hoisin sauce as well as the peanut butter if you like it a little sweeter.
(Can also add some sesame seeds just before putting the meat in).
Serve over rice.